Friday, March 9, 2012

Review : Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices #1) by Cassandra Clare

Author : Cassandra Clare
Translator : Melody Violine
Category : Paranormal YA
Format : Paperback (644 pages)
Publisher : Ufuk Press (March 2011 )
Language : Indonesian
ISBN-13 : 978-6028801881

Goodreads Description :

Pada zaman Victoria, Tessa Gray yang berusia enam belas tahun menyeberangi samudera untuk menemui kakak laki-lakinya di Inggris. Sesuatu yang mengerikan sedang menantinya di Dunia Bawah London, di mana vampir, warlock, dan makhluk gaib lainnya berjalan diam-diam di jalanan yang diterangi lampu gas. Hanya para Pemburu Bayangan, ksatria yang mengabdi untuk menyingkirkan iblis dari dunia, yang menjaga keteraturan di tengah kekacauan. 

Tanpa teman dan diburu, Tessa berlindung kepada para Pemburu Bayangan di Institut London. Tessa segera tertarik dengan—dan terkoyak di antara—dua sahabat. Ada James, yang ketampanan rapuhnya menyembunyikan rahasia mematikan. Lalu ada Will, yang bermata biru, dengan kejenakaan tajamnya dan suasana hatinya yang cepat berubah-ubah membuat semua orang menjaga jarak... semua orang, benar, kecuali Tessa. 
Dapatkah Tessa menemukan kakaknya? Kenapa Tessa diincar oleh Magister yang misterius? Akankah Will membiarkan Tessa memahaminya sebelum gadis itu luluh oleh kehangatan sahabatnya? 

My Thought :
After her aunt's death, Theresa Gray goes to London to live with her brother, Nathaniel. But when she arrive in England, everything doesn't go as expected. Tessa was thrown in the world she never knew existed. Tessa is kidnapped by Dark Sisters. They train Tessa to use her power that she didn’t even know she had. When the Dark Sister force Tessa to marry The Magister, she try to escape. But her attempt to escape fails until William Herondale, a shadowhunter, rescue her from the Dark Sisters. Who is the Magister ? Is Tessa really a human ?

The book is absolutely amazing. I'm instantly drawn to book. The book set in 19th century London ( my favorite time and place). The shadowhunter world is fascinating. The characters are great. They have different personality but complement each other. Will remind me of Jace. He is handsome, smart, witty and arrogant. He always keep people at distance with his attitude. I love this kind of guy. He is adorable. Jem is a gentle and caring. He is a sweatheart. He is the only one who is patient enough to put up with Will's attitude. Will and Jem are great friend. And there's Tessa. She is smart, strong and mature. Tessa can handle Will very well, and it's fun to see their interaction. Overall, I really enjoy the book. I'm highly recommend the book.

I give Clockwork Angel 5 out of 5 stars.

Book Trailer :


  1. kayaknya buku ini lebih (menjanjikan) keren daripadi buku seri TMI tulisan Clare.

    Jadi makin pengen baca bukunya >.<

  2. Klo aku sih emang lbh menikmati TID jika dibandingkan dgn TMI.
