Author : Lauren Oliver
Category : Dystopian, Sci-Fi
Reading Level : Young Adult
Format: Hardcover, Special Edition (480 pages)
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers (2 August 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0062112430
ISBN-13: 978-0062112439
Goodreads description :
Ninety-five days, and then I'll be safe.
I wonder whether the procedure will hurt.
I want to get it over with.
It's hard to be patient.
It's hard not to be afraid while I'm still uncured, though so far the deliria hasn't touched me yet.
Still, I worry.
They say that in the old days, love drove people to madness.
The deadliest of all deadly things: It kills you both when you have it and when you don't.
My Thought :
Magdalena “Lena” Haloway lives in a world where people believe that love is the deadliest of all deadly things. So, on your eighteenth bithday, you have to be cure from the disease, amor deliria nervosa. Lena can wait for the day she turn eighteen so she can be matched and live her life. On her evalution day, something happen and she meets Alex, a boy who will change her life. When they start to get to know each other, Lena falls in love with Alex and she start to question everything. What would she do ??? Would she choose to be cured ???
Delirium is an amazing story. Lauren Oliver is really know how to write a beautiful story in beautiful words. I love how she describe about amor deliria nervosa. It's hard to imagine how can a person live without love. I like how the character is developed. At the beginning, Lena always think that love is a dangerous thing, but when she met Alex and eventually fell in love with him, she start to see love from different perspective. The ending is so heartbreaking. The cliffhanger makes me speechless. I believe many people can't wait to read Pandemonium and want to know what happen to Alex. I highly recomment the book.
I give Delirium 5 out of 5 stars.
Book Trailer :
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ReplyDeleteSebagai pecinta novel fantasi, ini buku masuk ke salah satu wish list aku. Tapi kok reviewnya bahasa Inggris? Suka baca buku yang edisi aslinya ya mba?
ReplyDelete5 bintang, keren banget dong, jadi penasaran :)
ReplyDelete@FennyHerawatiYusuf : G' milih2 jg sih, tp berhubung kmrn blm ada yg versi Indonesia trus dpt yg versi Inggris dr giveaway jdnya bca yg versi Inggris aja
ReplyDelete@Tezar : Klo suka dystopian, pasti jg suka ini
Luar biasa. Ingin rasanya membaca buku ini secepatnya. :)
ReplyDeletepengin baca buku ini juga kayanya ceritanya seru
ReplyDeleteMenurut saya, inti cerita buku ini bagus, sayangnya Lauren Oliver terlalu detail menceritakan satu kejadian, yang membuat rasanya bertele-tele. Tapi keseluruhan Delirium memiliki alur yang bagus
ReplyDeletePendeskripsian yang berlebihan memang terkadang dapat membuat pembaca merasa bosan, tp hal itu juga membantu dalam membangun cerita.
Deletewow. 5 dari 5 ratenya? oke. bakalan kumasukin ke wish list kalo gitu :D
ReplyDeletewah, Bahasa Inggris ya? Tapi dari reviewnya kayaknya keren~ :D
ReplyDeleteEmang keren ceritanya. Klo mau baca yg versi Indonesia jg udah ada kok.
Deletesuka buku YA juga ya?
ReplyDeleterekomendasiin dong ke aku buku apa ja yang bagus, kalo skg q lgi baca beautiful disaster, n jatuh cinta buanget ama sosok Travis...
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