Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Review : Wither (The Chemical Garden #1) by Lauren DeStefano

Author : Lauren DeStefano
Category : Dystopian, Sci-Fi

Reading Level : Young Adult
Format : Paperback (400 pages)
Publisher : Kantera (30 May 2011)
Language : Indonesian
ISBN-13 : 978-6029837735

Goodreads description :
Inilah cara dunia berakhir. Bukan dengan ledakan, tetapi rintihan. 

Dunia telah berubah. Semua negara telah musnah, kecuali Amerika Utara. Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan telah menciptakan generasi tua yang tangguh, nyaris abadi, tetapi menghasilkan generasi berikutnya yang sangat lemah dan berusia sangat pendek. 

Dalam situasi ini, dunia menjadi berbahaya bagi para gadis. Gadis-gadis muda diculik dan dijadikan pengantin bagi para pemuda yang mampu membeli mereka dari para Pengumpul. 

Seperti inilah yang dialami oleh Rhine. Dia terpisah dari saudara kembarnya dan dijadikan pendamping seorang Tuan Rumah kaya bernama Linden, terkurung di dalam sangkar emas, dunia penuh ilusi. 

Namun, hanya satu yang dia dambakan: kebebasan. Dan apa pun yang terjadi, dia akan berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk mendapatkan kebebasan itu .... 

My Thought :
Rhine lives in the world where people die at young age, girls die at age 20 and the boys at age 25. At that time, many young girls are kidnapped and sold into marriage. Rhine is stolen away from her twin brother. with 2 other girls, she is sold to Linden and has to marry him. And her journey has begun. Together with Gabriel, a servant in Linden's mansion, she tries to escape and get back to her brother.

The book has great plot and characters. But I don't really like how the book ends, it felt alittle rush. Honestly, I can't imagine to live a life like Rhine's. It's so dark dan frustating. I feel sorry for Linden. He's not a bad person, but sometimes he's such a coward and very clueless about what his evil father did. I also like the relationship between Rhine and her sister-wives.

The cover of Wither is very intriguing, it was the first thing to catch my interest. So I feel a little disappointed when I see Indonesian cover of the book. But in the end it's worth every penny, because I really enjoy the book. I can't wait to read the next installment. I highly recommend the book.

I give Wither 4 out of 5 stars.

Book Trailer :


  1. Salam kenal....Kunjung balik ke blog saya yah....Terimakasih!!!

  2. aakkk! Jadi penasaran sama buku ini! >.<

  3. kisahnya menyedihkan >.< Kenapa ya penjabaran dalam bahasa Inggris itu lebih 'mengena'?
    Emansipasi wajib digalakkan. Agar wanita tidak selalu menjadi korban :( Jika aku di posisi mereka, mungkin juga akan prustasi. Bagaimana akhirnya ya?
